Dragon Age got me into Skyrim.
I came across it with Dragon Age 2, and then played Origins. Wanting more fantasy RPG, I found Skyrim and never looked back.
Until now.
With Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, sorry, The Veilguard, due out in a few months, it triggered a little niggle to revisit Thedas. A number of hours playing Inquisition (my least favourite of the three) and I made the decision to expand Stories from Skyrim and livestream other games. Starting with Dragon Age: Origins.
Intended to be random livestreams when work and Skyrim permitted, it is currently a stream a day. I've been caught. I can't remember a huge amount about Origins - it has been over a decade since I last played it - and I don't remember anything about Orzammar, and am wondering if I even did that part on my playthrough. So it's a sort of semi-blind playthrough ... and I'm loving it.
I've left the VOD replays on the channel - I'm sure it will give some a little chuckle at my complete incompetence after all this time. It's an old game, but worth a look if you haven't played it.
Note: it is such an old game that a 4GB patch is needed to play it on modern systems.