Merry Christmas! It has been a while, but I have now updated the website to include Glimmer and to make sure that Lillia's page is also up to date. I got a bit distracted doing the livestreams of the Dragon Age trilogy and the Witcher series. Those VODs are available on my YouTube channel, as always. And then there was work, which was further, well longer, to drive. Having not thought about this ahead of time, I wasn't as ahead with the Stories as I had been in the habit of being. Sorry about that.
And then I started tweaking the modlist - bad move, I should really know better and to leave well enough along.
All this sounds like excuses (and they are). I cannot promise to be better in the future, but I can promise to try. I'll even make it a New Year's Resolution. It does appear, however, that the best way to keep up do date with the Stories series is the Community Page on my YouTube channel - make sure you're subscribed there!