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Lillia is the second character in the Stories from Skyrim series.


She is an Imperial who lived in Helgen before it was razed by Alduin. She begins her adventure with nothing; she is talentless, friendless, and now homeless.


Lillia grew up in an orphanage in Riften and even then found it difficult to make friends. Working in Helgen, she was mostly tasked with small chores and being sent on errands. Nobody thought that she was capable of anything involving responsibility, and this was probably due to her quiet and sullen nature.


She believed that she would never amount to anything in life, as she had been told that repeatedly, and she finds it difficult to come to terms with the fact that this might not be true. She struggles with power and how to wield it, and yields to the temptation of vengeance for actual and perceived crimes. She does discover that she has a moral compass, even if it doesn't point true north, and has to find (or invent) justification for some of her actions. 


She desperately wants a home.


From the Ashes

A survivor of Helgen after a dragon attack, Lillia is talentless, friendless, and now homeless. How will she survive when everything she knows has been destroyed?


The Voice Within

A survivor of Helgen after a dragon attack, Lillia has been told she is dragonborn and has been sent to see the Greybeards. She doesn't at first believe it can be so, but then some cultist declare that she is a false dragonborn and she sets out to prove them wrong.


The Whispering

Lillia has discovered that Miraak is behind the strange behaviour around the stones. Frea takes her to her village to consult her father, the Skaal shaman. This is only the beginning of the fight to defeat Miraak.


Shout at the Storm

Lillia has the words of power she needs to defeat Miraak, but she cannot unlock them without dragon souls. Why can you never find a dragon when you need one?


Singing in Blood

Lillia has defeated Miraak and determines to visit someone who thought she would never amount to anything. Little does she suspect the road this will lead her down ... to the crime of the Era.


Lillia at Hag's End

Christmas special. While working for the Dark Brotherhood, Lillia received a reading from Olava the Feeble promising adventure and riches. So she travels to Deepwood Redoubt in search of the remains of the 'assassin of old'.


Requiem for the Past

Homesick, Lillia returns to the devastated Helgen, but there is nothing there for her now. However, a meeting in Riverwood and a chance to solve the mystery of the returning dragons, leads her once again down the path of vengeance


The White Phial

Bonus episode. Lillia offers to help an ailing alchemist locate the legendary White Phial. Hoping to keep ir for herself, she goes to retrieve it, but life is never so straightforward.


Started in Singing in Blood, this episode contains the second part of the quest not included in Requiem.


Lillia Returns

After spending time with the dragons on the mountain, Lillia returns to take a g trip to a gallery in Solitude. She meets up with Lydia again and starts a new series of adventures.


The Forgotten City

Lillia returns. In search of knowledge of past dragonborns, her path leads her to the Dragonborn Gallery where she accepts a quest that leaves her trapped in a city where a mysterious catastrophe has occurred.


The Stuff of Nightmares

A chance meeting in Solitude starts Lillia down a path that leads to nightmares.


Unfinished Business

A visit to the museum in Dawnstar takes an unexpected turn. And then a letter from Falk Firebeard reveals that Potema the Wolf Queen is still around.


Finding Refuge

While working for the Dragonborn Gallery, Lilly receives a letter from someone called Calcermo. This starts a series of events that has her looking for Snow Elven arterfacts and learning more than she may have wanted to know about the Dwemer.

Current Series

Bad Blood

Lilly and Lydia stop off at Morthal after retrieving an artefact for the Dragonborn Gallery. But indulging in a little gossip and a game of hide and seek takes an unexpected twist.

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